ICT Managed Service – friend or foe? Conversation number 3

The BSF ICT managed service has had a lot of mixed press of late. We discuss why this is and what can be done to ensure you get the managed service you want.

The Role of Data – Conversation Number 2

Slight change to format this time with just one subject under discussion. This is the first of several duscussions that will look at the impact of ICT on the transformation of learning. This time we look at the role of data, and particuarly “so called” business intelligence. BSF schools are packed with technolgies that generate lots of data, is this data just a storage nightmare or can it be used for something useful? Listen here or subscribe in itunes. Around 50 minutes of debate and we would love to hear your views.

Personal Learning Devices – Conversation Number 1

Well finally we got the first episode done (this is the hard one surely?). In this episode we kick things off with some background to this series of podcasts. Our main subject of conversation is the topical issue of a personal learning device. 48 minutes turned out not long enough to do this subject justice and I think we will be returning here in the future. Feedback is really encouraged, as are suggestions for future topics and offers to join in on a future conversations.

Listen and subscibe on itunes via the Itunes Music Store (under Education|Educational Technology) or listen here!