Personal Learning Devices – Conversation Number 1

Well finally we got the first episode done (this is the hard one surely?). In this episode we kick things off with some background to this series of podcasts. Our main subject of conversation is the topical issue of a personal learning device. 48 minutes turned out not long enough to do this subject justice and I think we will be returning here in the future. Feedback is really encouraged, as are suggestions for future topics and offers to join in on a future conversations.

Listen and subscibe on itunes via the Itunes Music Store (under Education|Educational Technology) or listen here!

One Response

  1. As an IT teacher in a school who is in the early stages of BSF I am following this site pretty closely.
    I am a long way from convinced about the ICT process in the PFs model but I don’t suppose they are actively meaning to trash everything we have done over the past few years but that is effectively the situation at the moment.
    I agree with the piece about ‘WOW’ factor and your comments about LA feedback. In our LA, they have so far done as much as they possibly can to keep any actual teacher from having any input to the process. The output specification idea is jolly good for modelling a business process but for managing real children and their interaction with their education?
    As to portable devices, I wonder of it might not be far more cost effective to incorporate the actual devices the children already have into the process. The though of managing 1500 small devices that the student’s don’t own make my blood run cold! I know of one school with 1:1 laptops and with current progress of web technologies I am not sure that they would take the same route again if they were starting today.

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