About this blog

BSF is the biggest capital investment in secondary education to have happened in any of our lifetimes. As we all get “credit crunched” it is clear that the government wish to see the programme accelerated and the money spent quicker. ICT is an integral part of the BSF vision and there have been some pretty lofty ambitions for the transformation that it is supposed to enabled through these new ICT rich learning environments.
This blog is intended to be a vehicle for discussing many of the ICT issues that BSF throws up, hopefully in an entertaining fashion. The principal authors, Nigel Spear and Andy Davies, both have a background in BSF, mainly from a bidding persepctive. This site will also be the home for the BSFConversations podcast with associated show notes

One Response

  1. Excellent forum Andy – keep it up. Good discussion base for honest, anonymous conversations.

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